COLUMBIA LODGE #114 .... A.F.& A.M.

Calendar of Events
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Practice, Prectice, Practice.
Be ready for our official visit.
March 25th, 2010 ,
District Deputy RWB Garry D. Lienhard

CRAB FEED! Come join us at Friendship Masonic Center for a day of cracking crab and maybe some bad jokes too.  April 24th. 2010 from 12:00 noon to 2:00.  Come ready with tools to get into the work of cracking Crab.  I have heared it said that "Real Masons wear aprons too!". Join us in supporting the youth groups helping make this day a sucess for all.  It's a dirty job but someone has to do it!  A $5.00 donation is suggested. Also an RSVP is requested to insure we have plenty of fresh Crab avaliable for all. Ray at 503-869-4951, Nicholas at 971-226-7312 or the lodge at 503-281-5517. 
Our monthly members planning meeting is planed for March 20th at 12:00 noon.  Location is Friendship Masonic Center.  

Also join us for dinner!  If you are new to the Lodge or visiting, give us a call  to set aside a seat for dinner. The members of Columbia Lodge will always pick-up the cost for your first dinner.  A great way to meet and visit with members and a great opportunity to see Columbia at work.

Call the Lodge at: 503-281-5517
WB Ray Carroll at: 503-869-4951
B Nicholas Johns at 971-226-7312 

Interested persons are welcome to learn more about Freemasonary
by attending an event or dinner.

Call us at 503-281-5517 and have dinner on us.